Tuesday, September 09, 2008

My kids are growing up way too fast.

Don't get me wrong, I love to see them growing. Something new each day. Will might say "Doot Doo" which lately means "Thank You" (he thinks as long as he has the syllables right, he's all good), or Sean may surprise me with a conversation waaaay older than his 4 1/2 years. I love it all. But, can't we slow things down just a little? I mean, really. It was just yesterday that I held Sean on my chest, his little body fitting perfectly between my waist and chin. Little bundle of perfectness. And now my William doesn't even fit in that spot anymore. Sigh.

Maybe it's because Sean is starting preschool today. Which he absolutely is very excited for. He didn't cry when we dropped him off. He just marched right over to play. Gave us a wave, and that was it. I was very proud of him (and myself for not blubbering outside the door).

Maybe it's because I had to put away all the "little" clothes. I dug out the box of 2T clothes from Sean since Will is getting bigger and bigger. Will is so independent. Up and down the stairs all by himself. No more high chair. Wants a big boy cup. Tells me "No Mama!" ALL OF THE TIME. Sigh.

But I am happy. Really! Those two little guys are so precious to me. (And Trent too of course!) I thank God every day for my family, and how truly blessed we are. :)


Ginger said...

Sean really looks like his dad in that picture. I so agree with you it is so fun when they get older but also so sad at the same time. I even got teary this year when Lukas left for first grade. FIRST GRADE, no preschool stuff anymore! Sigh...

The Petersons said...

Wow! Mini Trent for sure! Oh Andrea, they are such cuties.