Friday, October 03, 2008

October is a busy month for the Baumanns.

First of all, I've just got to say how much I love Fall. Bust out the sweaters and jeans, curl up in a blanket and read a good book. (If any of you need a good series to read, I highly recommend the "Twilight Series". Ok, so it's totally young adult chick lit, but it is addicting. It makes you feel 17 again. I loved them sooo much.)

Anyway, back to the busy month of October. We start off with October 2. Our wedding anniversary! Nine years. Can you believe it? Trent and I have known each other for 13 years. It seems crazy that it has been that long, but in other ways it seems like a lot longer. In a good way (most of the time, right hun?). So we went out last night to have a drink (see photo ala Britt, holding the camera up in front of us) and then to see a movie (The Dark Knight... yes, it's still in the theather).

The next item on the agenda is William's birthday! Two years old on October 4. Wow. My baby is getting so big and SASSY. If you've never met Will, this little video says quite a bit. I caught him singing in the van, and he quickly told me where to go...
He is a handful, but soooo much fun. He loves to cuddle. Ahhh. Sean never was a cuddler when he was little, so I soak it up. Will also loves Thomas the Train and anything puppy related. Pics to come from the big bday party on Sunday.

Finally, it will be my 33rd birthday and my Dad's 66th birthday on October 8th. So that's all I'm going to say about me. You all know me. Birthdays don't really phase me much. but make sure to tune in around January 28th (Trent's bday). He doesn't like birthdays much lately. He tends to be a little cranky about getting older. (He still looks 20, I don't know why he complains.)

So October is busy for us. (Oh, and don't forget about all the hunting, too.) So forgive me if my posts are not quite up to date. We're busy!


Hollee said...

Oh, Annie! How cute is your William! Love the video!

Hope said...

What a wonderful family!