Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Otters end the season, but this Aunt is still SO proud

Ok, I've been a little obsessed about my nephew and football. I admit it. But I think it's a good obsession to have. What could be better than getting together with your best friends (my family) and cheering on one of your own? Seriously. Top that. It has brought us all a little closer together and inspired me so much. (Plus it gave me a reason to buy a SWEET new lens for my camera. Ha!)

So I'll start off with a huge bear hug for my Quin ! You are awesome. I tell you this frequently, but I really mean it. I am so proud of you. And your teammates... what a great bunch of kids. And don't take it from me... I've been a stalker lately on the Fergus Falls newspaper site, and here's a comment from a parent from STMA, the team the Otters played last:

Fergus Falls is a class act team. I am from STMA and was extremely impressed with the faith of this team. When 2 of our players got hurt and I saw how your team knelt and held hands I was very impressed. In all my years of being in sports I had never seen this. Congrats to you knowing what true sportsmanship is really about. Congrats also on a great year.

So you see, even though you didn't make it all the way to state champs, what you have accomplished is still huge. You have ignited some spirit in your fans! And even people who are NOT your fans! Congratulations on accomplishing what you did, and for the things you don't even know you did, and are still doing. Thanks Ulschmids. I love you all tons!

p.s. And Quinten Beau, please don't give me a reason to take pictures of you all torn up again... at least not until you get married or something (and don't do that for a long time yet either). I just about bawl every time I see this photo. Thank you very much. ;)

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