Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Sean!

Well, here is yet another moment for me to lament on my children getting older. So I'll keep that part brief, because I'm sure you're all tired of hearing me crying about it.

My first born little boy is going to turn 5. Yes, 5. I do not see how that is possible. I was just lying in the hospital, very doped up, in a tremendous amount of pain only a short while ago, right? I guess time flies. And it is so true that the older you get, the faster the time goes. Trent said today after everyone left that "pretty soon we'll be empty-nesters!" Now, believe me, part of that sounds appealing... but the far greater part of that sounds just SO sad! I love my boys OH SO MUCH and I cannot fathom what my life will be like when they are out of the house. Ok, true, I am saying this when they are 5 and 2. Ask me again when they are 15 and 12.

So on to happier items to talk about! Sean had his birthday party with family today. Star Wars was the theme, with light saber pretzels sticks, Yoda Soda (a big hit!), Star Wars birthday cake, and tonight we may have Darth Malts. Because Sean was torn as to what he wanted on his cake, I also made him a deer hunting themed cake, complete with a real tree branch attached. If you notice, the buck on the cake has left some droppings... how rude! Ha ha ha!

Sean had a WONDERFUL time. He got a ton of wonderful gifts: Star Wars & other Legos, some Star Wars action figures, a bunch of nice clothes (including Star Wars undies from Auntie Britt!) and a few other items. I think he was thrilled with everything he opened.

So for those of you who made it to the party today, on the extremely icy roads no less, THANK YOU! Sean was so happy to see you all, as were Trent, Will and I.

Talk to you all again soon!
p.s. Here is a photo of the Willster with his BROKEN left clavicle. He is doing much better!

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