Thursday, January 15, 2009

This is where I am:

This is where Trent is:

Is this in any way, shape, or form fair? NO. This just plain old bites. While he sits poolside in the 80º heat of Orlando sipping a Bud Lite, I attempt to get the kids into the van in the -30º deep freeze that is Minnesota. But here is the weird part: I wouldn't want to live anywhere else–I don't think. I mean, I have never lived anywhere else, so how can I judge? I lived in Bemidji for 4 years, but hey, that's even worse than Brainerd, right? (No offense Bemidji, I love you too... but you're even colder than the big city of Brainerd.) And of course I lived in Vergas for my entire childhood, which is kinda close to Fargo. And I know I have a ton of friends that live in Fargo, including my sister Britt, but HELLO??!? Is the culture and night life in Fargo really that good that you guys would put up with that wicked weather? I mean, Fargo has to be one of the craziest places to live on the planet! You are all die-hards. A special breed lives in Fargo. They must have skin made of some special, well, something. Brrrrr. And the wind! Oh, I won't get started on that. Brainerd is looking pretty tame right now.

So this is basically just a post to say that this weather is just plain old INSANE, and that my husband somehow weasled his way into getting out of it. The coldest weather in 5 years, and he'll get back in town just in time for the meltdown. I'm just jealous that I am not there, I know. Maybe I can go with next time, and then I'll post something about how "I wish you were here!"... A girl can dream...

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